Canada Increases Sanctions on What it Deems ‘Extremist’ Settlers

By Hamodia Staff

Canada announced Thursday additional sanctions on groups and individuals which it deems “extremist,” mostly in Yehudah and Shomron, Arutz 7 reported.

Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly, in a statement, said: “This round of sanctions lists seven individuals and five entities for their role in facilitating, supporting or financially contributing to acts of violence by Israeli extremist settlers against Palestinian civilians and their property.”

The sanction makes no mention of Palestinian violence, despite the fact that Israelis in Yehudah and Shomron are locked in a cycle of violence on both sides.

“Attacks by extremist Israeli settlers—a long-standing source of tension and conflict in the region—undermine the human rights of Palestinians, prospects for a two-state solution and pose significant risks to regional security,” the ministry added.

Lehava, Hilltop Youth, Tzvi’s Farm, and Moshe’s Farm were the groups sanctioned.

The previous round of sanctions was in February, and included leaders of the Hamas terror group.

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