Flatbush Judaica Store Robbed at Knifepoint, Suspect Arrested

By Matis Glenn

A knife-wielding man robbed a Flatbush Judaica store Wednesday afternoon, but was swiftly caught by Shomrim and police.

The suspect entered Judaica Place, located on Avenue M between Ocean Avenue and East 19th Street at around 3:30 p.m., and made a bee-line to walk behind the cash register, whereupon he allegedly pulled out a six-inch knife and demanded cash from the two employees who were there.

The startled employees left the area, and the suspect opened two registers, emptying out their contents.

After he fled the store with the stolen money, employees called Shomrim. Within one minute, three Shomrim members apprehended the suspect and held him until NYPD officers arrived moments later.

Baruch Hashem no one was injured; the knife and cash were recovered by police.

“I would like to say how amazing it was how quickly Shomrim and the NYPD responded to what happened. Baruch Hashem all is well,” the owner of the store told Hamodia.

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