Airstrike Kills Islamic Jihad Rocket Specialist With Ties to Doctors Without Borders

By Yoni Weiss

An IDF tank seen in Gaza, Tuesday. (IDF Spokesman)

Doctors Without Borders announced on Tuesday evening that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket specialist killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza had been employed by the humanitarian aid group.

Earlier that day, an Israeli Air Force aircraft, guided by IDF intelligence, struck and eliminated Fadi Al-Wadiya, identified as a significant operative in the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, according to the IDF.

“Fadi Al-Wadiya developed and advanced the terrorist organization’s rocket array and was a central figure in their knowledge of electronics and chemistry,” the IDF said.

Footage of the strike showed a person riding a bicycle or motorcycle, followed by an explosion.

The Geneva-based Doctors Without Borders (MSF) claimed Al-Wadiya was a physiotherapist killed while bicycling to work. MSF added it was continuing to verify the details of the incident.

According to the military, 85% of Gaza’s hospitals have been used by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad for terror-related activities.

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