Israeli Fighter Jets Strike Hamas Targets in Gaza City


Gaza City’s Islamic University.

Israeli fighter jets targeted a building at Gaza City’s Islamic University Monday, where Hamas terrorists were reportedly gathered, according to the military.

The IDF stated that the university building in the Sabra neighborhood was being used by Hamas operatives for launching anti-tank missiles, observing Israeli troops, and planning additional attacks. To mitigate potential civilian harm, the IDF says it undertook “many steps,” including aerial surveillance, before executing the airstrike.

Other strikes were carried out in Gaza over the past day. In Rafah, southern Gaza, troops killed several gunmen, and a drone targeted sites used by terror groups, including tunnels. Additionally, fighter jets struck buildings in northern Gaza near a rocket launching site used in a recent attack on southern Israel by Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The IDF also reported hitting several more targets in central Gaza, including weapon depots and cells of operatives.

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