Hamas to Relocate Political Leadership From Qatar to Iraq Amid Increased Pressure

(Iraqi Parliament Media Office via AP)

Hamas is preparing to move its political leadership from Qatar to Iraq due to mounting pressure from both Doha and the United States, pushing the group toward more flexibility in Gaza ceasefire talks. This relocation was approved by the Iraqi government last month, as reported by The National.

Iran is expected to provide protection for Hamas leaders and their offices in Baghdad. Discussions about the relocation were held last month between Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh and representatives of the Iraqi and Iranian governments. These talks were confirmed by a senior Iraqi MP and a political party leader with close ties to an Iran-backed armed group.

Haniyeh also reviewed the potential move in a phone call with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani. However, there is no unanimous agreement among Iraqi political factions regarding Hamas’s relocation to Baghdad. “Some groups, especially the Kurds and some Sunnis, fear it will deepen tensions with the United States,” the senior Iraqi MP told The National. Despite the lack of consensus, the government’s decision to host Hamas will stand.

Hamas has recently opened a political office in Baghdad, led by senior official Mohammed Al Hafy, with plans to establish a media office in the coming weeks. The move comes as the group faces increasing pressure from Doha and Washington to accept a ceasefire deal and release hostages held in Gaza.

While Hamas plans to maintain a representation in Doha to oversee relations with Qatar, the relocation to Iraq signifies a significant shift in its political strategy. The Iraqi government has not responded to requests for comment by The National, but Hamas politburo member Izzat al-Rishq has dismissed the report as “baseless.”

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