Police Warn Against Entering PA-Controlled Areas After Fatal Shooting

By Yoni Weiss

A soldier guards at the entrance to Qalqilya, June 22. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

On Sunday, a day after an Israeli man was killed in Qalqilya, police have reiterated that it is illegal for Israeli citizens to enter areas of Yehudah and Shomron under Palestinian Authority control.

“In recent times, we have witnessed many cases of Israeli citizens entering Area A, which is under the control of the Palestinian Authority,” police said. “Entry into these areas is prohibited by law for citizens of the State of Israel and may cost human lives, as has happened in recent days.”

Police noted that some Israelis enter these areas for shopping, trading, and car repairs, putting themselves at risk of being targeted. Additionally, some Israelis enter these areas due to navigation errors, prompting police to urge vigilance.

“The Israel Police reiterates that entry into Area A is prohibited by law and constitutes a real danger to life,” the statement concluded.

This warning comes after Amnon Muchtar, Hy”d, 67, of Petach Tikva, was shot in his vehicle by terrorists in Qalqilya. The army and police are investigating the shooting as a potential terror attack but are also exploring the possibility of criminal motivation.

On Thursday, Moshe Dadoush died after apparently collapsing during a violent car-jacking at the entrance to Qalqilya.

Area A of Yehudah and Shomron is officially under complete Palestinian Authority control, though the IDF regularly enters despite Palestinian opposition.

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