Armenia Recognizes Palestinian State Amid Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

By Yoni Weiss

Armenia, flag is fluttering in the wind photo on the background of the sky, outdoors. National flag

The Armenian government announced on Friday morning that it has recognized a Palestinian state.

The country’s foreign ministry stated that the recognition is due to the “catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza” and the need for “peace and stability in the Middle East and the establishment of lasting reconciliation between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples.”

“The Republic of Armenia categorically rejects the targeting of civilian infrastructure, violence against civilian populations, and the hostage-taking of civilians during the conflict, and joins the international community in demanding their release without preconditions,” the ministry added.

Since the Hamas massacre of October 7, nine nations have recognized a Palestinian state. Slovenia recognized a Palestinian state on June 4, and last month, Norway, Ireland, and Spain followed suit.

Israel has maintained that recognizing a Palestinian state effectively rewards Hamas for massacring 1,200 people and holding hundreds of hostages, encouraging further acts of terrorism and murder.

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