Nearly 15K New Immigrants Arrived in Israel Since Start of 2024

By Aryeh Stern

​The Knesset’s Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, chaired by MK Oded Forer (Yisrael Beytenu), convened on Wednesday for a debate on the current status of immigration from Russia.

In 2024, despite the war and bureaucratic difficulties, 14,982 new immigrants came to Israel, including 10,628 Russian nationals. Candidates for immigration from Russia wait for unreasonable lengths of time for interviews at Nativ, which can require up to an eight-month wait.

Gennady Polischuk of the Nativ unit at the Prime Minister’s Office said, “In most of the branches in the former Soviet Union states, we have succeeded in reducing wait times for pre-aliyah interviews. About 80% of applicants receive authorization for aliyah to Israel, and between 4–5% are found ineligible to make aliyah under the Law of Return.”

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