Victim of Boro Park Hit-and-Run in Critical Condition

By Matis Glenn

The Boro Park resident who was struck by a driver in a hit-and-run incident Monday night is in critical condition, people close with the man tell Hamodia.

After the collision, which took place on  54th Street and 15th Avenue at around 10:30 p.m, the victim, 67, was rushed by Hatzalah to Maimonides Medical Center with serious head injuries. The suspect was arrested after being tracked down by Shomrim shortly after the incident.

Tuesday night, the man went into cardiac arrest twice, and is still in the ICU in critical condition.

The victim is a baal chessed who, along with his wife, cooks and distributes food for homebound people, among other activities.

The tzibur is asked to continue davening for Mordechai Shlomo ben Risa for a refuah shlaima b’soch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

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