Pictures of Suspects in Williamsburg Antisemitic Hate Crime Released

By Matis Glenn

Police on Wednesday released pictures and video of suspects wanted for a hate crime assault in Williamsburg which occurred earlier this month.

The incident occurred June 6 at around 11:45 p.m., when a group of five teenagers approached the man, who was walking with his daughter in the vicinity of Lorimer Street and Meserole Street. The suspects allegedly hurled not only antisemitic insults at the victim, but also glass bottles and a traffic cone, leaving him with a significant cut on his left ear.

The suspects, believed by police to range in age from 14 to 20, fled the scene. Police and Shomrim were unable to locate the group. The victim went to an urgent care for treatment after the ordeal, which took place just one block away from an NYPD precinct.

The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the incident.

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