Shots Fired Overnight at Jewish Restaurant in Montreal

By Hamodia Staff

The scene outside the restaurant Wednesday morning.

Shots were fired through the window of a Jewish-owned restaurant in Montreal overnight, the latest in a series of threatening vandalizations of Jewish-owned buildings in the city during the Israel-Gaza war.

Three holes were discovered in the window when the store was opened for business Wednesday. It is unclear whether the shots were fired from a pellet gun or a regular gun.

One of the holes in the store window.

The store, located at 54 Rue Saint-Viateur, was one of the Jewish-owned stores on a boycott list circulated by pro-Palestinian supporters.

Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, a number of menacing acts of vandalizations have occurred at Jewish institutions, all occurring at night when the buildings were empty: Molotov cocktails were thrown at a shul and Jewish daycare center; shots were fired at the doors of Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal and Herzilia Talmud Torah Elementary school on one night, and then at doors and windows of Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal three days later, while security officials were present; a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the door of the JCC and Beth Din building; and shots were fired at a Young Israel shul building that houses Belz Yeshiva.


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