Top Israeli Generals Approve Lebanon Offensive

By Hamodia Staff

IDF operates in Jabaliya, north Gaza (IDF Spokeperson’s office)

The IDF announced Tuesday evening that its top generals have approved plans for a Lebanon offensive, including ground force mobilization, as the Hezbollah terror group continues to attack Israel.

Following lengthy assessments by General Ori Gordin, head of the IDF Northern Command, and General Oded Basiuk, head of the Operations Directorate, the much-anticipated decision was finally announced.

“The operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved during our assessment today,” the army said in a statement, adding that the IDF is “accelerating the readiness of the forces on the ground.”

As the terror group continues to assault the country, “Israel cannot tolerate the ongoing provocations and attacks from Lebanon,” an IDF spokesperson said, highlighting the need for swift, decisive action if diplomatic efforts are not successful.

“We are prepared to take military action if diplomatic efforts fail to address the threats posed by Hezbollah along our border,” the Spokesperson added, stressing the seriousness of the security risk posed by the terrorists.

Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Islamic terror group which operates in Lebanon, has carried out waves of attacks on Israel’s northern border since the Oct. 7 massacre.

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