Gantz and Lapid Urge Netanyahu to Demote Likud MK for Comparing Protesters to Hamas

Deputy Speaker Likud MK Nissim Vaturi at the plenum hall of the Knesset. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

National Unity chairman Benny Gantz and Opposition Leader Yair Lapid have both condemned Likud MK Nissim Vaturi and called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to remove him from his position as deputy Knesset speaker. This follows Vaturi’s controversial statement in which he referred to anti-government protesters as a “branch of Hamas.”

Gantz criticized Vaturi on social media, stating, “The deputy speaker of the Knesset proved again this morning that he has no understanding or respect for democracy.” He labeled Vaturi’s rhetoric as “reprehensible” and urged Netanyahu to replace him with someone who respects the State of Israel and its legislature. Gantz added that failing to act would imply agreement with Vaturi’s statement.

Lapid described Vaturi as “a man full of hatred” whose inflammatory words could be used against Israel in international legal settings. Lapid asserted that Vaturi should be dismissed from his role, criticizing the government for its inaction and accusing it of dismantling the State of Israel. He concluded that Vaturi’s behavior is symptomatic of broader issues within the current administration.

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