Report: Israel Unwittingly Funding Hamas Terrorists Through National Insurance Payouts

By Yoni Weiss

View of the National Insurance Institute offices in Yerushalayim. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

With one hand, the State of Israel fights Hamas terrorists, and with the other, it transfers them National Insurance benefits, according to a report in Yisrael Hayom on Monday. In recent weeks, MK Yulia Malinovsky (Yisrael Beitenu) has been dealing with the issue of National Insurance benefits received by residents of the Gaza Strip in the Welfare and Labor Committee. She requested input from National Insurance and the army on the matter. In a document sent to her by the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing in the Intelligence Directorate, it was stated that there are 30 terrorists in terrorist organizations who are eligible for National Insurance benefits.

In the document it is written: “From a thorough and comprehensive examination conducted by the Intelligence Directorate after all beneficiaries – residents of the Gaza Strip and Yehudah and Shomron who are eligible for National Insurance benefits – were transferred to it, it was found that nearly 30 of them are terrorists in organizations declared as terrorist organizations in the State of Israel – Hamas and Islamic Jihad.”

It was further written that “the examination was conducted by cross-referencing the ID numbers of the beneficiaries with the databases in the Intelligence Directorate, which are based on several different sources, thus their reliability is high and they can be regarded as ‘institutional records.’ Additionally, the ID numbers of the terrorists are detailed, among them an operative in Hamas’s military wing and terrorists in the military wing of Islamic Jihad.”

MK Malinovsky responded: “We are a state in self-destruction. What is troubling in this entire situation is that I managed to uncover this, but how many other things is the government not telling us or that they haven’t even checked for over eight months. The shocking idea that we are all paying from our tax money to Hamas and Jihad terrorists is simply inconceivable.”

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