Wildfires Ravage Nearly 15,000 Acres in Northern Israel

By Yoni Weiss

View of a large fire that started from missiles launched from Lebanon near Kibbutz Kfar Szold, northern Israel, Friday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

Nearly 15,000 acres of land in northern Israel have been scorched by wildfires sparked by Hezbollah rocket fire since the beginning of 2024, with 75% of the damage occurring in the first two weeks of June, the Israel Nature and Park Authority reported on Sunday.

“Thousands of dunams have burned. We know that some areas were consumed by strong fires, while others were less affected. Ultimately, every burned area means the loss of habitats for wild animals and plants,” said Eran Heims, director of the Authority’s Upper Galilee region.

“In this complex situation, we face significant risks day and night. We are working within our limits to reduce response times and minimize the damage,” Heims added.

According to the Authority’s data, the Upper Galilee and the Golan have suffered the most severe damage. Over 7,400 acres were scorched in the Upper Galilee, while more than 5,400 acres were burned in the Golan.

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