Israel Endures Record-Breaking June Heat Wave

By Aryeh Stern

Israel is experiencing its hottest June on record, with temperatures soaring and showing no signs of relenting in the coming days. Over the weekend, Israelis endured intense heat, with records already being shattered halfway through the month.

The Israel Meteorological Service reported that average temperatures in Yerushalayim, as well as in the Jordan, Beit She’an, and northern valleys, are the highest ever recorded for June.

In northern Israel, where temperatures reached a scorching 41°C (106°F), firefighters battled blazes ignited by Hezbollah rocket fire. A fire and rescue spokesperson noted that crews were working to extinguish extensive fires in the Biryeh forest and surrounding areas, including Tzfas, Katzrin, Kibbutz Kfar Szold, Kibbutz El-Rom, and Kibbutz Avivim.

The Ministry of Health has advised the public, especially the elderly, children, expectant women, and those with chronic illnesses, to avoid exposure to the heat and sun. They recommend limiting unnecessary physical exertion outdoors and advise wearing light, comfortable clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and staying hydrated if spending time outside.

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