High Court Orders Suspension of State Comptroller’s Investigation Into IDF and Shin Bet

By Yoni Weiss

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

The High Court of Justice issued an interim order on Sunday directing State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman to suspend his investigation into the IDF and the Shin Bet regarding the Oct. 7 attacks. Englman initiated a broad investigation in December, examining the events of Oct. 7, the lead-up, and the government’s response.

Good-governance watchdog groups petitioned the court, arguing that the investigation fell outside the comptroller’s jurisdiction and could harm the IDF’s operational capabilities. They also expressed concern that the investigation might overlook political accountability for the invasion and massacres.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi opposed the investigation during ongoing hostilities against Hamas, a position supported by the State Attorney’s Office.

High Court Justice Gila Canfy-Steinitz initially ruled in May to allow the investigation to proceed. However, after receiving classified responses from security agencies, she decided to suspend the investigation pending a High Court hearing in July.

“In view of the complex security reality, the planned scope of the investigation, which will deal, among other things, with the combat support system and core operational issues, and the preparation required to respond to it [the investigation] at the current time… I order the suspension of the investigation procedures in everything that relates to the IDF and Shin Bet,” ruled Canfy-Steinitz.

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