Hezbollah Missile Strikes IAF Base in Meron

By Yoni Weiss

Smoke rises after rockets fired from Lebanon hit an open area in Meron, May 15. (David Cohen/Flash90)

Hezbollah released footage on Sunday showing an anti-tank missile striking the Israeli Air Force air traffic control base in Meron the day before.

In response to these attacks, IDF aircraft targeted Hezbollah military installations in Yaroun, Kfarkela, and Marwahin in southern Lebanon.

In a report, Army Radio questioned why the IDF did not escalate its response following the missile strikes on the base: “Has Israel’s policy of retaliation weakened? Two advanced anti-tank missiles hit a critical and strategic facility, yet we do not see any forthcoming response.”

Army Radio sought clarification from the IDF spokesperson, who responded, “The strike on Meron yesterday was a response to the elimination of a senior Hezbollah member.”

The correspondent added: “Indeed, the elimination was significant. It targeted the highest-ranking Hezbollah member ever eliminated by Israel, a prominent figure whose removal prompted numerous Hezbollah attacks during Shavuos. This is a price worth paying.”

Despite Hezbollah’s sustained barrage of retaliatory attacks since the elimination, Army Radio noted: “Hezbollah has been carrying out ‘retaliatory’ strikes unabated for several days now, while Israeli retaliation remains uncertain.”

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