Government Approves Extension of Temporary Housing for Evacuated Residents

By Yoni Weiss

The remains of the destruction caused by Hamas terrorists when they infiltrated Kibbutz Nirim on Oct. 7, 2023, near the Israel-Gaza border. (Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

The government on Sunday approved Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s proposal to authorize Tekuma Authority Director Moshe Edri and the Authority to extend lodging for residents evacuated from their homes. These residents will remain in state-financed hotels and temporary housing solutions until Aug. 15. The extension will be based on professional assessments and overall conditions that would allow residents to return home.

The decision, coordinated among Prime Minister’s Office Director-General Yossi Shelley and the ministries of Finance, Justice, and Tourism, along with the Tekuma Authority, addresses the needs of various communities amid ongoing combat. It aims to support the rebuilding and recovery process and ensure a smooth reintegration into permanent communities.

Since Oct. 7, residents have been evacuated to temporary accommodations, including hotels, sheltered housing, apartments, and additional facilities. Over recent months, the Tekuma Authority has managed the return of about 70% of residents to their homes or intermediate quarters, depending on the extent of damages and needs of each community.

The Authority will now establish a timeline for the return of communities to their homes in coordination with the Finance Ministry, based on security and rebuilding conditions. Additionally, the Tekuma Authority, in collaboration with the Finance Ministry, will organize activities for residents outside the temporary facilities, facilitated by local authorities.

The Tekuma Authority will continue to:

  1. Collaborate fully with various Government ministries, local authorities, and communities, assessing needs to provide appropriate responses.
  2. Implement a strategic plan for the renewal and development of the area.

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