U.S. Officials Warn of Potential Escalation to Full-Scale War Between Israel and Hezbollah

By Yoni Weiss

View of a large fire that started from missiles launched from Lebanon near Kibbutz Kfar Szold, northern Israel, Friday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

Recent actions by both Israel and Hezbollah have sparked growing concerns among U.S. officials, who fear the situation could escalate into a full-scale war, according to a report by CBS News.

Tensions have intensified following a series of Israeli airstrikes on Lebanese territory, which some American authorities believe may be laying the groundwork for a larger military operation.

Sources within the US government have expressed worries that such a move could trigger a conflict, potentially straining Israel’s alliance with Washington.

In response to recent events, including the assassination of senior commander Taleb Sami Abdullah, Hezbollah has escalated its own actions. Since Oct. 8, the group has launched daily rocket attacks targeting northern Israeli communities, citing solidarity with Hamas amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

US officials cited by CBS News have highlighted concerns over the potential unintended consequences of Hezbollah’s increased attacks. They fear these actions could provoke Israel into launching a significant military assault, further exacerbating the volatile situation in the region.

The developments come amid ongoing international efforts to de-escalate tensions and prevent a wider conflict. Diplomatic channels remain active, with calls for restraint and dialogue from various quarters.

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