Trump Must Pay $454M While Appealing Fraud Judgment, Can Apply for Loans

Former President Donald Trump (Shannon Stapleton-Pool/Getty Images/TNS)

(New York Daily News/TNS) — Donald Trump must fork over upwards of $454 million as he appeals the devastating judgment in his fraud case, a New York appeals court judge ruled Wednesday — hours after the former president asked to pay a quarter of it to save him from selling off his prized properties.

Justice Anil Singh of the mid-level First Department Court of Appeals denied Trump’s request to halt payment but temporarily slammed the breaks on other portions of the ruling, including a bar on applying for loans and from Trump running a New York business for three years and his sons, Eric and Don Jr., for two.

Every day Trump doesn’t pay, he owes $112,000 more in interest.

Earlier Wednesday, the GOP front runner asked for a stay while he tries to get it tossed, which typically requires a defendant to put up all the cash they owe within 30 days of a judgment or post a bond.

Following an almost three-month trial, Engoron determined Trump, his sons, Eric and Don Jr., and former finance executives at the Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg, and Jeff McConney, were liable for multiple fraud claims in state Attorney General Tish James’ September 2022 case and collectively owed $464 million with interest — mainly affecting Trump.

Engoron also barred Trump from running a business in his native New York or applying for loans there for three years and ruled that his real estate empire must operate under a two-tiered monitoring system during that time.

In their bid to slam the brakes on the ruling taking effect, Trump’s lawyers, who filed their notices of appeal on Monday, described the penalties as “draconian” measures impeding “a global real estate empire in the conduct of lawful business.”

Attorneys for the GOP front runner — who repeatedly said he was worth billions during the trial — said he would put down a $100 million bond instead of more than $450 million, arguing it “would simply serve as further security” in addition to ongoing oversight by a court-appointed monitor.

Requiring Trump to satisfy the full judgment while being banned from applying for loans, his lawyers added, would lead to “irreparable harm” and likely force him to sell off properties without any guarantee he’d get them back if he wins his appeal.

“Simply put, Appellants would be unable to recover the value of that which was taken by the court and the Attorney General during the pendency of the appeal,” they wrote.

The AG’s office opposed the request.

Earlier Wednesday, Engoron was targeted with a bogus white powder scare at a lower Manhattan courthouse.

The powder was discovered inside a standard business-sized envelope addressed to Engoron inside the operations office at the 60 Centre St. courthouse around 9:30 a.m., according to a person familiar with the matter, prompting emergency services to isolate two people. No injuries were reported.

A court officer opened the letter and white powder spilled onto his pants, according to the NYPD.

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