Hamas Commanders Behind Kibbutz Be’eri Attack Killed

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli military vehicles drive along the border with the Israel-Gaza border. (REUTERS/Tyrone Siu)

The IDF announced that Ismail Siraj, a Hamas Nuseirat Battalion Commander, and his Deputy Commander, Ahmed Wehbe, were killed in an Air Force strike.

According to the IDF, the Southern Command, under the guidance of the Military Intelligence Directorate and the Shin Bet, conducted the airstrike on Friday night.

Siraj, previously a Company Commander of Hamas’ Nukhba Unit involved in manufacturing rockets, led the Nuseirat Battalion. Wehbe, his Deputy, assumed the role after the IDF and Shin Bet eliminated the battalion’s former Deputy Commander, Abd Al-Rahman Abed, in the early stages of the war. Wehbe held various positions within Hamas, participating in field operations and organizational staff roles, including involvement in their training program. He was also accountable for planning and executing terrorist attacks from Gaza against Israel.

During the Simchas Torah terror attack, orchestrated by Hamas, the Nuseirat Battalion targeted Israeli communities in southern Israel, including Kibbutz Be’eri. Subsequently, members of the battalion were involved in anti-tank missile and UAV attacks against IDF troops throughout the conflict.

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