International Law Expert Malcolm Shaw to Represent Israel at ICJ

By Hamodia Staff

Malcolm Shaw. (

Israel will be represented before the International Court of Justice in The Hague by Malcolm Shaw on a complaint brought by South Africa concerning the war in Gaza, Walla! reported.

Shaw, who was the Sir Robert Jennings Professor of International Law at the University of Leicester, taught international law, human rights and equity and trusts before retiring and being appointed as Senior Fellow at the Lauterpacht Center for International Law at the University of Cambridge and made a Trustee of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law.

Professor Shaw practices international law and has reportedly been advising Israel in the past on several occasions. He has also represented many countries in the international arena in legal proceedings, and in recognized as one of the leading experts in international law. He has authored a best selling book titled International Law, published by Cambridge University, which has undergone at least 6 editions.

Shaw will be assisted by lawyers from Israel’s Foreign Ministry and Justice Ministry.

Professor Malcolm Shaw told Walla! that he “feels proud and honored” to have been asked to represent Israel at the International Court of Justice, but refused to comment about the details of the case because “my experience has taught me that anything I say publicly will be exploited by the other side.”

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