Israeli Ambassador Faces Threats After Displaying Hamas Leader’s Number

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan shows a poster with the image of a Hamas leader on it as he speaks to delegates during the United Nations General Assembly, in New York City, Tuesday. (REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz)

During his speech at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan displayed on a poster the telephone number of the Hamas offices in Gaza before the vote on a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The number was presented next to a picture of the leader of Hamas in Gaza, with the caption: “For a ceasefire dial… ask for Yahya Sinwar.”

“If you want a real ceasefire, here is the right address,” Erdan said. “Tell Hamas to put down their arms, turn themselves in, and return our hostages. This will bring a complete ceasefire that will last forever.”

Hamas’s revenge came on Wednesday, when Erdan’s cellphone number – which appears on the Knesset’s site – was circulated on the terrorist organization’s social media groups.

After his number was publicized, Erdan’s phone was flooded with thousands of threatening calls and messages.

At the same time, there were attempts by hackers to break into Erdan’s personal accounts on social media platforms.

One of the messages, which came from a number with an Indonesian prefix, read: “We can kill you in the near future.”

Another message read: “Where are you pigs? We are here, and your end will be very near. Palestine will win, and we will pray in Al-Aqsa and run over you scum.”

Erdan’s phone has been overwhelmed due to the thousands of messages he has received. He has been unable to make or receive calls, and he filed a complaint with the state authorities.

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