Suspect With Islamic Extremist Connection Arrested in Warsaw Bombing

By Hamodia Staff

Central Railway Station in Warsaw. (Radek Kołakowski)

A 38-year-old woman who is a resident of Wrocław was arrested in connection with planting an explosive device in the Śródmieście district of Warsaw on the early morning of November 11 at 2:00 a.m, the Polish Press Agency reported.

The explosive device contained aerosol and lighter gas cans and was packed with glass and nails to maximize injuries of victims. One person was injured by shrapnel from the explosion.

Police reported that surveillance cameras caught the picture of the woman placing the bomb and then heading to the Central Railway Station where she boarded a train for Wrocław where she lives in the Strzelin commune.

During a search of her residence, investigators found a similar device along with material from Al Qaeda and Islamic State. She was charged with causing mass danger to life through the explosion and for her possession of the explosive material in her home.

The suspect was remanded to custody for three months, and faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

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