IDF: Ground Forces Conduct Limited Raids in Gaza

Israeli tanks seen in Kibbutz Be’eri, near the Gaza border, Sunday. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

The IDF announced on Monday morning that its ground forces had executed controlled incursions into the Gaza Strip overnight Sunday. Their aerial strikes were primarily targeted at locations where Palestinian terrorists, including members of the terrorist organization Hamas, were assembling in preparation for potential attacks against Israel.

Hamas claimed that its members had confronted what they described as an armored force infiltrating a southern area of Gaza, resulting in the destruction of certain IDF equipment. However, Israeli authorities have not officially commented on these reported losses.

In a briefing outlining Israel’s recent ground operations, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the chief IDF spokesperson, revealed that 222 individuals were now confirmed to be held hostage as a consequence of the cross-border assault orchestrated by Hamas on Oct. 7.

Hagari explained, “Throughout the night, our tank and infantry forces conducted targeted raids. These operations were designed to neutralize terrorist cells, which included individuals associated with Hamas, who were actively preparing for the next phase of this conflict. These incursions extended deep into Gaza.”

He continued, “Our missions also involved locating and gathering intelligence related to the missing individuals and hostages.”

Hagari emphasized that these interventions aimed to ascertain where “terrorist elements, particularly those linked to Hamas, were amassing and organizing themselves in anticipation of further stages in the conflict. Our mission is to mitigate these threats.”

By signaling the possibility of a comprehensive ground offensive led by the IDF’s significant presence around Gaza, Hagari underscored the continuous enhancement of the army’s operational preparedness.

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