IDF Spokesperson: Hamas Planned a Prolonged Invasion of Southern Israel

IDF soldiers ride in a military vehicle near Israel’s border with Gaza, Wednesday. (REUTERS/Violeta Santos Moura)

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the IDF Chief Spokesperson, disclosed on Wednesday morning that Hamas terrorists had intended to establish a presence within Israeli territory after their infiltration on Shabbos.

Hagari provided a detailed briefing on the situation in and around the Gaza Strip, noting that approximately 5,000 rockets were fired toward Israel since Shabbos. In response, the IDF targeted several sites in Gaza, including an anti-aircraft system and high-ranking Hamas members.

Hagari pointed out, “We counted a thousand bodies [of terrorists] within the Gaza Envelope region and hundreds more near the fence,” to highlight the scale of terrorists who infiltrated Israeli territory and attempted to do so again.

“The terrorists were equipped for an invasion, not just a raid,” the IDF spokesperson revealed regarding the weapons and plans discovered in the possession of Hamas terrorists. “We are still finding weapons hidden away or at locations where they constructed defensive positions.”

“We have eliminated 18 terrorists within our territory in the past 24 hours,” Hagari said, specifying areas such as Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Kibbutz Mefalsim, Zikim, Kibbutz Re’im and Ashkelon.

Hagari also updated on the initiative, first announced by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, to provide standby units throughout the country with additional weapons.

“As of now, we have informed 169 families of fallen IDF soldiers, and we continue our efforts to identify the deceased. This is a top national priority for us,” the IDF spokesperson emphasized. He also noted that the families of 60 kidnapped hostages had been notified.

“We believe it is crucial to show the situation on the ground to the world, allowing international media access to Kibbutz Kfar Aza so they can witness the atrocities. We will also permit government officials and international representatives to visit,” Hagari stated, referring to a tragic incident in a small Israeli village where Hamas terrorists brutally murdered children, women, and the elderly.

Hagari further revealed concerns about hundreds of hostages possibly being smuggled out of the Gaza Strip into Egypt through tunnels, making it more challenging to secure their safe return.

In a subsequent briefing about the northern front, the IDF spokesperson mentioned, “Hezbollah is closely monitoring our activities in Gaza and understands the situation.”

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