Historic Israeli Government Delegation Arrives in Saudi Arabia

Hallel in Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi’s hotel room in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday. (Shlomo Karhi Social Media)

In a momentous display of diplomacy and international collaboration, an Israeli delegation, led by Communications Minister Dr. Shlomo Karhi, arrived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, marking a groundbreaking official visit.

Comprising 14 officials from Israel’s government and the Ministry of Communications, this delegation has embarked on a historic journey.

The visit, authorized by a charter signed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, primarily revolves around participation in an international conference taking place in Riyadh from Monday to Wednesday. This conference serves as a gathering of representatives from various countries, providing a platform for critical global discussions.

The presence of the Israeli delegation at this conference marks a significant stride in the diplomatic relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Over recent years, these nations have steadily strengthened their ties, with ongoing negotiations facilitated by the United States for a potential normalization agreement.

During the conference, Karhi is slated to deliver a speech to communications ministers and representatives from around the world, broadcasted on the conference’s official website for a global audience.

Furthermore, Karhi is expected to engage in a series of diplomatic meetings while in Saudi Arabia. These discussions will encompass talks with the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia and the Turkish Communications Minister, among others.

Notably, as a gesture of goodwill and hospitality, Karhi has received a personal invitation to join Muhammad Saud’s sukkah in Riyadh.

This visit by Karhi marks the first official visit to Saudi Arabia, while a delegation led by Tourism Minister Chaim Katz became the first public Israeli delegation to visit the Kingdom just last week.

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