Shin Bet Foils Hamas Terror Cell’s Kidnapping Plot and Attacks

Palestinian youth demonstrate their skills during an exercise at a military-style camp organized by the Hamas movement, in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, last week. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

The Shin Bet made a significant announcement on Monday, revealing the successful arrest of a Hamas terror cell with disturbing plans for Yehudah and Shomron, b’chasdei Shamayim. The cell had plotted to kidnap an IDF soldier and carry out a combination of shooting and bombing attacks in the Binyamin region. The arrests, which occurred last month, were a result of coordinated efforts involving the IDF and Israel Police. The cell consisted of nine Palestinians affiliated with Hamas from Biddu village in the Binyamin Regional Council.

One notable aspect of this terror cell was its comprehensive surveillance of IDF patrols, a method used to gather critical intelligence for executing the planned kidnapping and other attacks. The Shin Bet emphasized that the cell’s members had gone so far as to establish their own explosives laboratory, focusing on the production of explosives, including raw materials for fireworks, pipe bombs, and even possessing Carlo guns.

The level of planning exhibited by the terror cell was extensive, as it meticulously mapped escape routes and identified a secure location for holding a kidnapped soldier away from the reach of security forces. Interestingly, the Shin Bet pointed out that a similar Hamas cell, involving relatives of some current members, had been thwarted just two years prior.

The Shin Bet, in cooperation with the IDF and Israel Police, is committed to intensifying its efforts to prevent terrorist elements from carrying out activities against the State of Israel.

As of Monday, the investigation into the terror cell is ongoing, and it remains uncertain when the IDF prosecution will file indictments.

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