Israel Awaits Political Decision to Fulfill Criteria for U.S. Visa Waiver Program


Israel is on the brink of fulfilling all the necessary criteria to join the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, as reported by Yisrael Hayom. According to Israeli officials closely involved in the matter, the United States is currently in the final stages of evaluating Israel’s eligibility. However, concerns persist that political factors may potentially impede the progress of this initiative.

“We are closer than ever in the past decade to becoming part of the Visa Waiver Program,” remarked one official. “We are now at a critical point where the U.S. must decide whether to grant us membership. The main concern is that if Israel is not admitted at this juncture, it may have to start the process from scratch again next time.”

Negotiations for Israel’s inclusion in the program were initially launched under former Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked during the Bennet-Lapid government. However, the current phase of discussions is being led by National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi.

Responding to Yisrael Hayom’s inquiry, Hanegbi conveyed that over the past six months, Israel has successfully met all the necessary requirements. He emphasized that all state authorities, following the instructions of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, have been working diligently to ensure Israelis can enjoy visa-free travel to the United States.

“The Knesset committees, especially the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, have efficiently passed complex legislation within an unprecedented timeline,” Hanegbi stated. He further praised the exceptional cooperation of U.S. Ambassador Tom Nides, acknowledging that without his support, the progress achieved thus far would not have been possible. The final decision rests with key political figures in the government, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Hanegbi expressed optimism, referring to Blinken and Mayorkas as “friends of Israel.” He firmly believes that the decision-making process will be driven by professional considerations.

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