Netanyahu Discharged From Hospital on Sunday

Aerial view of Sheba Tel HaShomer Medical Center, outside of Tel Aviv. (Omer Fichman/FLASH90)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was discharged from the hospital on Sunday morning after undergoing a catheterization procedure. During the procedure, a monitoring device was implanted in his heart to monitor heart rate activity and other vital signs.

The hospitalization occurred on Shabbos when Netanyahu complained of feeling unwell and experiencing dizziness. The Prime Minister’s office released a statement on Sunday morning, stating that he had undergone additional tests at Sheba Medical Center, and the results were normal.

Netanyahu was kept overnight in the cardiology department for observation based on the doctors’ recommendation. To ensure his security and other needs, he was provided with a room previously used by other hospitalized prime ministers at Sheba.

Due to his hospitalization, the scheduled Cabinet meeting for Sunday morning was postponed and rescheduled for Monday.

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