Florida’s Rick Scott Says He’s Challenging McConnell for U.S. Senate Leadership

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, on Feb. 26, 2022. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images/TNS)

TAMPA, Fla. (Tampa Bay Times/TNS) — U.S. Sen. Rick Scott of Florida announced Tuesday that he is challenging Sen. Mitch McConnell to be the Republican leader in the Senate.

“The status quo is broken and big change is needed,” Scott wrote on Twitter. “It’s time for new leadership in the Senate that unites Republicans to advance a bold conservative agenda. That’s why I’m running to be the Senate Republican Leader.”

Scott is the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and clashed with McConnell over strategy during the midterms.

Tuesday’s results were disappointing for Republicans, who failed to flip the Senate red and made smaller gains in the U.S. House than expected.

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