BD’E − Reb Yankie Meyer, Z”l, Renowned Askan and Founder of Misaskim

Reb Yankie Meyer, z”l (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)

The renowned askan Reb Yankie Meyer, z”l, was niftar Thursday night after battling an illness. He was 59 years old.

Reb Yanky founded Misaskim in 2004, and spearheaded the organization as it became a clearinghouse for many community-wide projects.

In addition to providing aveilim with levayah assistance, shivah chairs, sifrei Torah and other necessary items, Misaskim expanded under his leadership to provide the Jewish community with many other services, including kavod hameis, as well as Project Yedid, which provides care packages to orphans and widows. One of his annual projects was organizing a Yom Tefillah during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah where thousands of cheder children gathered to be mispallel for cholei Yisrael.

The levayah will begin Friday morning at 10:30 a.m. from 1123 57th Street in Boro Park. Kevurah will be in Woodbridge, N.J.

Yehi zichro baruch.

Reb Yankie honored during the NYPD Night Out last year, by 66th Precinct Commanding Officer Deputy Inspector Jason Hagestad (L) and Inspector Richie Taylor of Community Affairs.

Reb Yankie meeting with the Satmar rebbe Harav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum. (File)

Reb Yankie shaking hands with then-NYPD Chief of Department Rodney Harrison, at a meeting in Hatzalah headquarters in Brooklyn last summer. (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)

Reb Yankie (L) embraces Harav Yaakov Bender, at the wedding of Reb Yankie’s child last summer. (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)

Reb Yankie embracing NYPD Inspector Richie Taylor at the wedding of Reb Yankie’s child last summer. (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)

At the wedding of Reb Yankie’s child last summer. L-R: NYPD Inspector Richie Taylor, Reb Yankie, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, radio host Nachum Segal. (Reuvain Borchardt/Hamodia)

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