Sources: U.S. ‘Understands Israel’s Reluctance’ to Take Sides in Ukraine Crisis

Israel’s Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky. (MFA)

Israeli officials have thus far refrained from either condemning Russia for its actions or expressing solidarity with Ukraine. This is due to Yerushalayim’s vital interest in maintaining good ties with Moscow given its control of Syria’s airspace and the Israeli Air Force’s de facto freedom of operations to strike Iranian targets in the Middle Eastern country.

Diplomatic sources told Yisrael Hayom that the U.S. has yet to send the message it expects Israel to take a stance on the Ukraine crisis as it understands the sensitive nature of the decision for Yerushalayim.

The Israeli Embassy in Kyiv was relocated to the western city of Lviv, near the Polish border, earlier this week. Upon arriving in Lviv, Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky said, “We will continue to provide service here as well. We call on Israelis to leave as soon as possible.”

In a conversation with Brodsky and Israeli Embassy staff, Foreign Minister and Prime Minister-designate Yair Lapid also called on all Israelis to leave Ukraine immediately.

“The top priority for the State of Israel is protecting the lives of emissaries of the state and all Israeli citizens in Ukraine, as well as the large Jewish community in the country,” he said.

In a Foreign Ministry meeting, Lapid expressed his gratitude toward Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Moldova for their response to Israel’s request to allow Israeli citizens to cross the land border crossings.

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