91-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Succumbs to Wounds From Hamas Bombing in May

An Israeli firefighter walks next to cars hit by a missile fired from Gaza Strip, in Ashkelon, May 11, 2021. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Mrs. Naomi Perlman, a”h, a 91-year-old Holocaust survivor, who was seriously injured in May when rockets launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip hit her home in Ashkelon, succumbed to her wounds and passed away over the weekend.

Mrs. Perlman was survived by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Her family says that she suffered greatly since the injury. She was initially hospitalized in Barzilai Hospital and later transferred to a nursing home, conscious at times, with deep shrapnel wounds in her body, and in recent days her condition deteriorated.

With Mrs. Perlman’s death, the number of people killed by Hamas attacks on the country during Operation Guardian of the Walls increased to 13, including Staff Sgt. Omer Tabib and three foreign workers, one of whom was Mrs. Perlman’s caregiver, an Indian citizen who was killed by the rocket.

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