Moroccan Rescuers Recover Dead Body of Boy Who Fell Into Well

RABAT (Reuters) —
A tractor digs through a mountain during the rescue mission of a boy who fell into a hole in the northern village of Ighran in Morocco’s Chefchaouen province, Friday. (AP Photo/Mosa’ab Elshamy)

A small boy trapped in a well in northern Moroccan for five days died before rescuers managed to reach him late on Saturday, two government officials said.

Rayan Awram, aged five, fell into the well in his village of Ighara in the hills near Chefchaouen on Tuesday, triggering a huge rescue effort that engrossed the country.

Rescuers finally managed to retrieve his body late on Saturday after removing much of the adjacent hillside and delicately tunneling a horizontal passage into the well.

King Mohammed sent condolences to his parents, a statement carried by state media reported.

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