MK Maoz Reveals: This Is Why the Reform Movement Supports the Kosel Outline

People take cover from the rain as they daven at the Kosel. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

The chairman of the Noam party, MK Avi Maoz, responded to a video published Wednesday, in which representatives of the Reform movement explain why they support the Kosel outline promoted by the Bennett government.

MK Maoz first quoted the things mentioned in the video. “The Kosel outline is in the headlines again, but who cares about the Kosel? You have only been there twice in your life, to your bar mitzvah or your military swearing-in ceremony, so why should you be interested in what everyone else is talking about? Because it’s not just about the Kosel! Public transportation on Shabbos and also civil marriage. What is the connection between the things?

“Good question. The struggle over the Kosel is a symbolic struggle, because the Kosel, the holiest place for the Jewish people, is under control of the religious, and they are bullying anyone who prays or acts otherwise. But now there is an opportunity that will not return. We have a government without the chareidi parties, with the heads of the factions that make it up like Lapid, Michaeli and Liberman who are committed to the Kosel outline.”

Finally, MK Maoz turned to MKs Idit Silman and Nir Orbach, of the Yamina party, and told them: “This is what the Reform movement explicitly says. This movement is attacking the Kosel. The place that is the holiest to all Jews is under attack.

“They want to use it to allow civil marriages, public transportation on Shabbos – in short, a country that is separated from religion, a country without Judaism, a country of all its citizens. Wake up, see where your government is heading.”


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